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July 26th, 2023 - Neocities Overhaul

With the inevitable, enroaching death of Twitter, I thought it would be a perfect time to overhaul my Neocities page. (it definitly wasn't because my girlfriend was doing it, and I had completely forgot about it lol)

Nevertheless, I am back for the time being, but there might be extended breaks pretty soon here as I am starting yet another semester at College. Mainly electives this year, as I really need to focus on Discrete Math. Java, Android, and a Manufacturing class.

During my long time away from here, focusing on classes, I did end up with a lot of experience building Websites. One group project involved my partners and I creating a front and backend for an auto-parts store. It had to be hooked up to a legacy database that was read-only, alongside a 3rd party CC auth that was hosted at my college. Our chosen tech stack was Vue, Express, Bootstrap and SQLite3, all hosted on a Linode I had setup.

Speraking of Linode, Linux has been my daily driver for a while now. Anything I need Windows for, I spin up a QEMU KVM and have some scripts run to give the guest my GPU. It has been great and the performance has been incredible. I even got MacOS Ventura running on it, although I needed a seperate USB PCIe card. $_